A Day in Hanoi

Saturday, June 24, 2017 Hanoi, Hoàn Kiếm, Hanoi, Vietnam

Lake of the Returned Sword
I've been delaying this post for months now I'm so sorry. I got too busy playing League of Legends, my new Alpha Sapphire, and Ragnarok hahaha! Now I'm actually rushing this because I need to leave for my cousin's wedding in a few hours, so I apologize in advance for the overload of photos.

I dedicated my last day in Hanoi to go around the city, since I spent my first days going around the neighboring provinces. I've never been to Hanoi before and for some reason it never came to my mind, or maybe just because growing up I kept hearing about Lea Salonga in Miss Saigon so to me it was the only Vietnamese city. Labo. Hahaha!

Upon checking out from my hostel, I booked an UberBike to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Ba Dinh Square for 12,000 VND or around 24 PHP. I read how long the queuing time usually is so I was already rushing. Bikes are everywhere in Vietnam so UberBikes are pretty safe and you don't have to worry much about getting into an accident. They're expert bikers, haha!
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum (left); Presidential Palace (right)
The line was way too long so I didn't bother waiting and just went around the complex. Though that would've been my first time to see an embalmed body.

Many Vietnamese still continue to look up to Ho Chi Minh, he was a well-loved and respected leader that many call him Uncle Ho as if he's part of every Vietnamese family.

Uncle Ho's house
There's not much that you can do in the Square so I went to the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long or the Hanoi Citadel for a quick history tour.


Of course I HAD to stop for iced coffee before anything else. The Viets are known for their good coffee so this is one of the things that you shouldn't miss when in the country! This iced coffee is only 35,000 VND or 70 PHP, Starbucks whomst've?? Hahaha!

Ministry of Foreign Affairs building surrounded by cherry blossoms.
As I was walking towards the citadel I noticed many students in togas so I realized it must be graduation season. Unexpectedly stumbled upon cherry blossoms too and yes, cherry blossoms grow in Vietnam hahaha!

Imperial Citadel of Thang Long's main gate from the inside
This citadel served four dynasties from Ly, Tran, Le, and Nguyen families since the 11th century and became the center of political power in Northern Vietnam.

Archaeological remains from the 15th-16th century.
Graduation shoots everywhere.
It was a relax day so I was taking my time walking around the capital. The Temple of Literature was my next stop which is just a couple of blocks from the citadel.

I had lunch at this medyo sketchy house near the temple because it was the only store I saw serving bun cha (right). I'm addicted to bun cha.


The Temple of Literature in Hanoi was built for the Confucian sages & scholars of Vietnam. It also housed the Imperial Academy, the country's first national university.

Being a former French colony, the French quarters in Hanoi is a must-see. I booked an UberBike again from here to the Opera House, probably the most French thing in the district hahaha!
Rotunda (left); Hanoi Opera House (right)

Walked around the neighborhood just to look around, though the patisseries we're very tempting. I was saving my money for the rest of the trip since I still have 7-8 days left in the country. So if you're a budget traveler like me, just go window shop and bank Instagram photos hahaha!


My last stop was the Old Quarter of Hanoi, also where my hostel is located since I needed to leave early for my overnight train to Hue.

Hanoi Hanoi Hanoi
Unlike the vibrant and millennial Saigon in the south, Hanoi is like its laid back uncle in the north. Pretty chill place for a capital city.

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